Fast-Track Your Smile: 3D Printed Resin Crowns in One Day!


Greetings, fellow smile enthusiasts! 🌟

Can you get a crown the very same day you need one? YES! I'm excited to share how these cutting-edge crowns can transform your smile, save you time, and even cut costs. Plus, we have a special premier plan that's too good to miss. Let's dive right in!

The Marvels of 3D Printed Resin Crowns

Same-Day Resin Crowns: How Does It Work?

Traditionally, getting a crown used to involve multiple visits and temporary crowns. But with 3D printing technology, we've streamlined the process! Here's how it works:

1.    Digital Impressions: We start by taking precise digital impressions of your tooth. No messy molds!

2.    Design and Printing: Using cutting-edge software, we design your crown virtually. Then, our high-tech 3D printer brings it to life.

3.    Same-Day Placement: The crown is crafted right in our office, so you can walk out with your new smile the same day!

Benefits of Same-Day Resin Crowns

·         Time-Saving: Say goodbye to multiple appointments and temporary crowns. Get your permanent crown in one visit.

·         Comfort: Resin crowns are comfortable, durable, and customized to fit your bite perfectly.

·         Natural Appearance: They look and feel like your natural teeth, restoring your smile seamlessly.

·         Cost-Effective: The icing on the cake is the cost! Our same-day resin crowns are priced at just $600.

Unlock the Premier Plan: Resin Crowns at $450 and More!

What's the Premier Plan?

At iDental, we believe in providing exceptional dental care at affordable prices. That's why we've introduced our exclusive Premier Plan, available for just $25 a month.

Premier Plan Perks:

1.    Resin Crowns at $450: Enroll in our Premier Plan, pay for six months upfront, and enjoy a discounted price of $450 for your resin crown – that's a savings of $150!

2.    Free Cleaning: We care about your oral health. That's why we offer a complimentary cleaning as part of the plan. Keep your smile in top shape!

3.    Additional Discounts: Premier Plan members also enjoy discounts on various dental services, making your dental care even more budget-friendly.

Conclusion: Your Smile's Best Friend

With 3D printed resin crowns, you can revamp your smile in a single day without breaking the bank. And when you join our Premier Plan, the savings and benefits are even sweeter.

So, if you're looking to fast-track your smile transformation, don't hesitate to reach out. Schedule your appointment, explore our Premier Plan, and let's work together to create a dazzling smile you'll be proud of.

Your royal smile's crown is just a call away! 😁🌟



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